Saturday, December 20, 2008

More Merry, Merry Christmas

Okay, I know it looks like all I have is funky ornate antiques...but really only the two pieces and the rest of my living room is fairly clean and straightforward. This piece is in my entryhall and filled with Italian woodcarvings by Anri and Dolfi...great to bring out in the wintertime because they are so heavy and in warm rich colors. They'll go back in the box after this until next year and I won't look so rococo around here!! daughter is having an 'ugly sweater' party tonight with all her friends at our house and tomorrow I'm playing the piano at church for the choir....then it's just family, family, family for the rest of the week! happy to have all the 'have-to's' out of the way and the 'want to's' my full time 'responsibility' starting tomorrow afternoon!!!! Christmas puts a BIG smile on my face!

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