Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Some Random Thoughts

Just some random thoughts here....instead of making soup with my stones, I've decided to just use them to embellish my soup tureen...see, I told you I'd find a way to use them....lol.

 I can tell it's summertime here at the beach, I actually see people when I take my walks now. Mostly I'm used to solitary walks on the beach, where I'm surprised to see more than one or two people along the whole strand...lots of birds, and dinky crabs, even a jellyfish or two and the neighborhood sealion--but people, not so much...but now they're coming to enjoy what I enjoy.  I especially love to watch the familys with children--building sand castles, running in and out of the surf, laughing and playing...reminds me of when my grandson is here and I can share in his delight of everything surf and sand..and makes me miss him all the more!  Solitude is sometimes overrated...there's a time and a season.
Yep, once upon a time I did Viking knit and I found this piece stashed away in my treasure trove of goodies, so I put it in my etsy store last night  http://www.rickitic.etsy.com/  I also 'reopened' my vintage/stash store on etsy http://www.allweneedislove.etsy.com/ and added some lampwork from my stash.  It's time to let go of a few things that haven't called my name for awhile and declutter.  Do they call that Spring Cleaning?  Not sure, but today is the first day of the rest of my life!  Have a good one!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That bracelets is perfect. Where is it from?

neon bracelets