Yes, I'm late today for my date with 'the beads'. Had a few long newsy phone calls this morning, then I sat down to sort thru my stash. Looking for treasures for a project, that I'm not sure I have enough of what I need, to make the design I have in mind. I culled thru every black, white and red bead and dodad in my stash and I'm going to spend the afternoon seeing if I get inspiration or just frustration. My days at the work bench are like that---sometimes I see exactly what I want, and other times I sit down and work, rework and rework again with nary an idea pleasing the eye. I do usually sit down with an idea, but sometimes it just doesn't look like I visualized when it starts going together. I envy people who draw a design, pull the exact components and put their design together neat and nice. I'm afraid my workbench looks like a bomb went off most times when I'm working on a project/projects. When I get going, like I did last week...there are bits and pieces of everything piled up, until I settle back into a 'I can't stand the chaos' mood and decide to take a day to resort, organize and put things back in their place... so I can start the whole process over, lol.
It's sad when my husband and daughter get home and ask how my day was, or what I did and I look at them glassy eyed and try to think of anything productive that came to fruition that day. Today I have something already--I did some laundry. That counts for productivity, right? Especially if your hubby's on his last pair of socks! I've got it covered!!!
I've had a few of those days lately where I've tried to put a piece together and strung and restrung multiple times only to come up empty. Frustrating! Laundry definitely counts, especially on days like those! Hang in there!
Oh, I completely empathize with you. I am not one of those people with a vision and it works to perfection every time.
Sometimes I start to assemble an idea and then...meh. It doesn't move me. Start over. But the mess of all the stuff I have over my work area needs to be cleaned first.
I truly find that it's a "When I'm hot, I'm hot. When I'm not, I'm really not" thing. When the creative juices are flowing and everything is working, I feel I am creating little masterpieces. When the their not flowing, do laundry.
Sadly, I only have limited time to devote to this passion so it seems so unfair when the creative juices aren't flowing and I have time dedicated to the process.
I totally understand.
ignore my typos in the last post, please. In the third paragraph, it should be "When they're not flowing, do laundry."
I so know what you mean...I have days like that, there is torching days, there is listing days, there is shipping days...the other days I have to come up with something I did that sounds productive, these days its packing up my studio and life and getting ready to move back to California...
let me know if you need more red black or white beads...I got ideas just reading what you were looking at...
Rickie, you are definitely not alone! After a few mad beading sessions I seriously have to sit and reorganize everything before I can even think about being creative again. Sometimes ideas flow and sometimes they just don't. I totally agree with everyone else. But if at first you don't succeed... you know the rest!! I, too, totally understand! :)
Productivity is good. As long as you're productive is all that matters. I know that sometimes we don't feel like we got anything done if things don't go as planned. It's always good to get those pesky things like laundry out of the way first.
great post, Rickie...I have the same frustrations...by the time I get creative time, I have nothing creative in me.
Well, I'm glad y'all understand--it's nice to know I'm not the only one with this frustration!
Jelveh-you're the best! If I didn't need to have this piece done like yesterday, I'd so take you up on your offer! I know you'd do something fabulous for me! I did actually put something together--but there's not much lampwork in it...so we'll see if it will do!
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