Isn't that a song from Les Mis? Well, I'm not coming from the same place with my 'one more day'. No revolution here, just one more day until the drawing.
This is my day off from everything but family and church, and I almost forgot to post at all! Needed to be to church a little early this morning---8:20 early, to play the piano for a 'last-minute, make sure we're ready' choir practice--they did just great, and I didn't detract, which is enough! Why the piano, not the organ you ask, since I play both--the organ is a bit more difficult to stay on pitch with, and so ususally preferred by our choir director. Hey, we're all volunteers here, so you get what you pay for, lol! Too much information,right!
Then when we got home at noon, I cozied up my husband and took that rare as gold, Sunday afternoon nap--I was cold, he was warm...our daughter was out for the day, so no more 'sponsibilities. The dog took his cue from me and curled up beside the two of us and took a nap too! I think the cat was out in the greenhouse luxuriating in the intermittant sunshine, so that no errant raindrops could surprise his afternoon nap...and he wouldn't get herded by our rascally Australian shepherd either! I guess it's time to do penence for such a lovely, lazy respite and make a super delish dinner for my favorite pillow--my wonderful guy with a warm shoulder. Children and animals flock to him, which tells you all you need to know!
The sun is once again hidden in thick dark clouds--portending another rain this evening or tomorrow, I'd guess, but for now it's dry and we had a lovely spot of sunshine to welcome us this morning. I'm off to try my culinary skills in the kitchen and enjoy the rest of my cozy afternoon! Ta,ta...'til tomorrow!
Sounds like a lovely restful Sunday, as it should be! I think playing the piano is great, I don't know how myself but we have one in our living room that belonged to my husbands Aunt. My 4 year old amazes me at how well he can "pluck" out a tune resembling one of his cartoon theme songs! ha ha It's a start right? Maybe he'll express an interest in learning for real as he gets older. Have a great night!
Sounds like a perfect day in all ways. :)
'Twas a lovely day---hope yours was likewise!
You left me wondering what was for dinner..... Sounds like a wonderful Sunday.
Leah loved the gift, you are so thoughtful. She will cherish it always. Thank you for adding to our meeting.
Sheesh! Did you see i got spammed, lol? Somebody selling nike shoes...maybe...wasn't about to try out the links!
Ah, dinner...well tritip roast, twice baked potatoes, veggies and salad...nothing too complex...just a nice easy Sunday dinner--more people time, less preparation and clean up!
Oh, and Kristen, I think plucking out a close tune is a very good start--he's developing a love for music and it sounds like he naturally has a good ear--hope he'll end up putting your piano to good use. It's a great skill to have and he'll be able to use it all his life!
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